Well, I just finished purchasing a new toy. It's a 1981 Honda GL500I. Here are the pics of

Well, we all knew that I was going to be looking
for something, right? So this is it. grin
As you can see, it's missing a side cover on the left side and it doesn't have a trunk on the back. Yet.
So I am packing my things and getting ready to cruise down to Orlando. We all knew that I couldn't stay home for too long, right?
This bike is taller than my vulcan was. And the horn button is exactly where my turn signals were on my vulcan which can make things really annoying for other people as I head on down the road. The test drive was like, really hilarious. Honk, honk, everytime I tried to turn my signals on.
And the freaking pedals are in different places. I will have to actually go out and ride the damn thing for a while before I can go on the road. What a freaking rip. Aaauuuggghhh. I tried to wreck the damn thing earlier today on the test drive. Luckily the car behind me on the right gave me some room. It was a tight spot in an area that I didn't know.
The Honda is high mileage compared to my vulcan. It has 6100 miles (yes really) and the vulcan had 2,250 when I started out last year. They have close to the same size engine. The load will be higher riding which makes me a bit nervous as the seat height is so much higher.
One of my cousins died today from cancer. Peg wasn't old. It makes me realize just how much we need to make sure that we enjoy life while we can. She was neat. I really liked her. It's been a rough year this year, one suicide and one death from cancer.
Live long and prosper,