Wednesday, May 16, 2007

May 11, 2007 Lincoln Day 2 and really great falafel

I get up around 6 and start trying to wake up. It is a tough job this morning. I am not as coherent as usual and in the mornings things are bad anyway. I drink some water and then drink some caffeine. I take some meds and eat some organic veggies.

Ginny is coming to pick me up at nine so around eight, I head over to the restaurant. The continental breakfast is too continental for me. There is too much white bread and sugary stuff for a morning that I need to have accurate lucidity, so I order breakfast.

I order eggs over easy, sausage and hash browns. It comes with a choice of whole wheat or white toast. When it came I realized that I should have asked more questions. The hash browns came out of a bag straight from the freezer, and the whole-wheat toast wasn’t anything like what I think whole-wheat toast should be like. To me it was pretty gross. I ate it, I needed the protein for my brain.

I leave the restaurant, find a bench outside and sit down to wait for Ginny to come by. The air is fresh and the day is beautiful.

We head over to the capitol so I can talk to the senators. I really enjoyed the presentation. It wasn’t working well, the way we thought about doing it, so I changed it up, asked for questions and just worked my way through the time by answering questions using examples from my life’s experiences. I think that it worked well.

One person brought up how excited they were that there is new imaging that proves that we need treatments that will target that part of the brain. This always makes me incredibly nervous as I immediately think of the fact that this was the purpose of lobotomies. They also bill ECT that way.

I had some better tasting fruit salad and we moved over to the Region 5 where I had the wonderful opportunity to present again. A wonderful woman helped me set up the projector. There were a lot of family members, professionals and a few consumers. I think that things went well.

The food was alternative, tuna in tomatoes, cheeses, bottled water from Frontier Harley Davidson, and some chips.

I started to feel better, so my presentation skills kicked up a notch. Then I sat and talked to the man who does housing about different options and the way that housing worked there. After the presentation and the conversation, I asked to go back to my room to rest for a bit as I needed some downtime.

I was expecting J. Rock to call, but she didn’t. Mixed signals. The nap was awesome, I really needed it. I woke up late, called and then we went out to eat. It was hard for me to get moving. No matter how hard I tried, I felt like my brain was sifting through oatmeal.

The restaurant was called Holyland something or other and had the best falafel that I have ever had. I wish I could go back and get the recipe. It was so awesome. I could eat it four or five times a week and be extremely happy.

Then we headed over to the dance that was scheduled. The live music was so incredibly awesome. I wanted to stay over and attend the Sunday Afternoon Recital that the pianist was giving. His music just so much touched my heart.

To me the music was a pocketful of happiness. The drummer sang “Georgia On My Mind” and it was wonderful. So were the trumpet and the sax player. And a stand up bass player. Mmmm, mmmmm. Mmmmmm.

I gave J. Rock a ride back to her place and told her that I would pick her up in the morning. She told me about a party that we could attend tomorrow night. Hey, cool. Works for me.

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