Tuesday, May 15, 2007

May 7, 2007 Omaha, dinner, shopping for black jeans

May 7, 2007

Today, I try to get up and find a new pair of black jeans. All the clothes that I started out with have gotten a lot of hard wear and some weren’t in the best shape to begin with. And some are still soaked. My options for today are pretty limited.

I can’t find the place that I am looking for. Since I have started out early, I enjoy the unscheduled detour ;) and check out the area around where I am headed. It is full of small enterprise. It is another town where all the big business has moved out. Is big business all that this country lives for?

I think some about this concept as I call Ken. I find that I am across the street from the building and have written the address down wrong. Thank God there are cell phones. I attend the meeting with the Nebraska Consumer Regional Leaders in my old jeans, looking scruffy. I think about finding jeans for the presentation tomorrow.

It was great to attend the meeting. I don’t always have the chance to network with other consumers who are in leadership positions. They talk about how they are implementing WRAP across the state. It is definitely a move in the right direction. I still find myself wishing that there was more. Way, way more.

I enjoy everyone that I met in the meeting. They are a great group of people who’s hearts are in the right place. Many are new in their jobs. One person has been in her job about two weeks. That is new.

Later on the regional specialists who live too far away to make it home, Ken and I all go out to dinner at Applebees. I find out that we were all in the same hotel last night. Darn, I wish that I would have known. I would have been thrilled to have been able to spend more time with them.

Later after dinner, I ask them if they would mind shopping. We head over to a mall that is close. (Way easier to find things with them, LOL) I find a pair of black jeans in JC Penney, a place that I seldom shop. I like them but check all over the mall to see if there are any jeans that I might like better. I end up shopping in JC Penney. ;)

People ask me why black. It just doesn’t show the dirt as easily as many of the other options. Anything goes well with black. It always looks good. It makes me look slimmer. Grin

On the other hand, what it does show is bug guts. Yuck. If I have to pack up and leave the hotel in the morning before I present, I can’t get to my clothes to change them and I end up wearing the clothes that I present in as I ride down the road. It does seem to make people think twice, though. A lady in a dusty rose ruffled shirt with a fancy vest riding down the road with full packs. I like it. I like the shirt. I like the vest. I like feeling I have when I wear pink and black.

Happy Trails, Marty

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Hi, Marty
Jeans are my liking, I also like to wear black jeans, black matchs with each colour and I think black makes me look slimer. one friend from EbonyFriends.com said to me the black jeans are also her liking and when her buyes clothes, she always choose the jeans.