Monday, March 3, 2008

Windy but hot

Today the wind gusts were up to 44 mph, but it was so warm I didn't really care.

I got up, ate breakfast, picked teh rest of the grapefruit off the tree to eat for the rest of the time that I am here and then spent some time with my dad.

I fixed lunch. Why that is important is that I need more protein at lunch than I usually get when I eat with my parents. And now, hours later I am still feeling good enough to work on my website some more later.

Since I am on vacation, I am not doing much. I am doing some reading, a little writing, a little learning, and a lot of puzzling.

When I was getting ready to come here, I was relaxing by reading a couple of books by Louise Hay. She talked about how she feels that we pick our parents according to what we need to experience in our lives to fulfill the reason we became a physical being. That really seemed to adjust my attitude towards them. It is/was no longer something that happened to me, but something that I chose. For some people that wouldn't work, but for me it works well.

It's been an interesting adjustment for me. I'm more respectful now as I realize that I have gotten a lot from my relationship with them. At times to me it was unwanted things that I got, but this new way of thinking helps me to see that all things do work together when we are working to create the life that we want.

Tomorrow I am going to go over to the swimming pool to lay around. I want to meet more and different people and that is one way I feel would be a good way to do it. Because of the heat here, I don't always go out and about in the sun.

But as Denni kept reminding me for a year or two, if we keep doing what we always have, we'll keep getting what we've already gotten. Interestingly enough, that is really true regarding recovery, but seldom was it helpful to me when those words were being used.

DeColores, Marty

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